Dasha joined us in Year 12 after facing traumatic experiences in her home country. The Russian invasion of Ukraine brought her to the UK, where she embraced the challenges of being the youngest in her year group. Despite the difficulties of adjusting to a new country and studying in her third language, Dasha’s resilience and determination were evident.

During her time at West Buckland School, Dasha excelled as Head of House and was awarded the prestigious Harries Award for her leadership as Madam President of the Phoenix Society. Her involvement in the Economic Society and Model United Nations, alongside earning five academic prizes. With outstanding A-level results (A* A* A), including the highest percentage amongst Business and Economics paper scores this year, Dasha is off to Bristol University to study International Business Management.

Dasha reflects, “I’m incredibly grateful for my time at West Buckland School. The support from teachers, the wide range of clubs and the boarding experience have all prepared me well for the future. I’m excited for what lies ahead!

Whole School Open Day
Sat 21st Sept
From 9:30am
Join us for our Whole School Open Day and discover how a West Buckland School education can benefit your child.
Sat 21st Sept
Whole School Open Day
Sat 21st Sept
From 9:30am
Join us for our Whole School Open Day and discover how a West Buckland School education can benefit your child.