West Buckland School runs an impressive range of bus services which cover most parts of North Devon and West Somerset.

Most of our day pupils travel to school each day and many have a substantial journey.  For our weekly boarders, the buses can be used on Monday mornings and Friday evenings.

Wherever possible, we try to ensure that all our regular program of activities is complete before buses leave the school campus at the end of the day.

We take safety on our buses very seriously and Bus Prefects ensure younger passengers feel safe and have secured their safety belts.  Prep pupils are escorted to and from the bus stop at school at the start and end of every day.

Our fleet of buses, together with our partner bus companies, is part of our wider environmental strategy to work toward carbon net zero, as well as lightening the traffic load for our local village communities as much as possible.  By encouraging families to use the buses for their children, we reduce the carbon emissions into the North Devon community through the shared transportation and reduction in car traffic.

For information about our bus routes and the areas we cover, please contact Claire Campbell on [email protected].