Sixth Form Diploma

Developing character values to prepare our students for a fulfilling life.

Preparing for a enriched future

The West Buckland Sixth Form Diploma has been developed as part of our commitment to prepare students for a enriching future. We encourage our Sixth Formers to explore and experience a range of activities and challenges to develop the character values that form the very core of the school.

Participation and Reflection

During each term, the students are asked to document and reflect on the extra-curricular activities in which they regularly participate. These cover Academic Engagement as well as Action, Service, Adventure and The Arts. These activities might include sport or dance, academically enriching lectures, CCF, performing in a play, taking part in charity or support work or embarking in wider reading around their chosen subjects.


Reaffirming our values

Afterwards, students can reflect on what they have done:

  • are they being creative?
  • did they show courage in their decisions?
  • was there an element of critical thinking involved?
  • how much commitment did they show to the subject?
  • did they care about what they were doing or who they were doing it with, or for?
  • did they have the confidence or curiosity to explore further?

Students find this exercise in reflection very useful when writing personal statements for CVs, university or job applications, as it makes them think about the impact on themselves.

Diplomas are awarded at three levels (pass, merit and distinction) and are awarded at the end of the academic year.

Phoebe - dancing in "Legally Blonde"

Anyone you ask would say I couldn't dance, so I was nervous taking this on. I've been very committed to learn new dances and showing courage is an understatement!

Elena - attending Medical Society 'Medic Mentors'

I have become more curious about my career in the future and learned just how much commitment is required to achieve an ambitious career.

Harry - being a CCF NCO

I show personal confidence and courage to teach the younger CCF members as well as critical thinking to plan lessons.  

6th Form Open Evening
Discover why we stand out as one of the highest-performing co-ed day and boarding schools in the South-West.
28th January 6:30pm
6th Form Open Evening
Discover why we stand out as one of the highest-performing co-ed day and boarding schools in the South-West.
28th January 6:30pm