Allowing students to explore, develop and appreciate interests outside of the national curriculum.

Keeping the Balance

Alongside the rigorous Academics, our ECA schedule offers over 70 different clubs and activities, providing students with an incredible array of different possibilities, with many activities to try and new passions to discover.

Focused very much on developing the characteristics that make up the school ethos, our extra curricular strategy incorporates Sport, Drama, Music, Dance, CCF, Outdoor Learning, Design Technology and Engineering, Service and Academic Extension.  The intention is for students to develop their knowledge and interests, enabling them to open doors in life with ability and confidence.

All Middle School students are encouraged to commit to an activity of some kind each day. It is part of the tutor’s role to monitor a student’s involvement in activities, keeping a balance between being busy and being over-committed.

Year 7-10

In Years 7-10, students are expected to take part in a range of extra curricular activities and have a huge selection to choose from, covering many interests and skills.  These include chess club, gymnastics, art club, book club, choirs and orchestras, dance, swimming, badminton, writing club, Warhammer club and many others.



Year 11+

From Year 11 upwards, students are able to make informed decisions regarding their extra curricular commitments. Students in these year groups will start to specialise in different areas of the school.  The introduction of MaD (Make a Difference) Monday, opens up opportunities for students to take part in service, sport and creative arts activities for a dedicated period during the week.


Recording Success

The Record of Achievement (ROA) is used by students and staff to record and monitor activity levels within the school’s ECA programme.

The ROA is designed around the three distinct terms – Autumn, Spring and Summer. There are also opportunities to record involvement in House Competitions, Leadership Opportunities and other achievements either in or outside of school.

Dance Programme

Dance at West Buckland is for everyone! We have a wide range of lessons on offer which are open to Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior School pupils from the age of 4 to 18. No matter your age or experience we have a dance style and class for everyone.  Take a look at the dance brochure for more information.

Dance Programme Brochure

Drama and Drama Technology Clubs

If Drama is your passion, there are drama clubs available for different ages and abilities.

If you prefer to work in the shadows, supporting those on stage, you might prefer our Drama Tech club.  All of the school performances are supported by backstage crew, stage management and drama tech – so it’s not just about the acting and singing!  We have a diverse range of clubs to appeal to the wide range of diversity of interests of our students.  There is something for everyone.

The Greenpower Car Project

This lunch club is not just an engineering club – with students working on the electric kit car, preparing for race days, analysing race data and improving aerodynamics – this club is Teamwork, Marketing, Website design and maintenance, fundraising, securing business sponsors!  The Greenpower Car project, with Team WBSGreenpower, has three drivers, pit stop crew, photographer, team leader, all of which culminates in away days on race tracks such as Castle Combe and Goodwood.

In 2024 the WBSGreenpower came 7th globally out of over 80 cars, on the final day at Goodwood, a National Race Track.  Each year, the team seeks new team members, holding interviews and trials in the Autumn term, as the older members move on to GCSE finals and A Levels.

You can see the student-built website here

Listen to club manager Erin talk about the Green Power Car Club on BBC Radio Devon