The Parents’ Association works to enhance the educational experience of the pupils by providing practical assistance and funding for additional academic and extracurricular activities at the school.

Aims of the Parents' Association

The Parents’ Association also aims to enhance relationships between the staff, parents and families associated with the school. This is done by organising a number of social events each year and offering support for other events organised by the school.

The Parents’ Association meet once a term to discuss, plan and prepare forthcoming events. All parents and guardians are members and are invited to meetings and events.

If you are interested in finding out more, please email: [email protected]

Events organised to date include:

  • Fireworks Night
  • Quiz Nights
  • Summer Fetes
  • Coffee Mornings
  • Race Night
  • Christmas Fair

Previous distribution of funds include:

Pool table for the Boyer House, Wendy house for the early years, digital camera for the art department, music stands for the music department, support for the Kenyan link, garden items for the prep school, DryRobes for the sports teams, outdoor table tennis tables, books for the English department and camping equipment for the CCF department.

Current Committee Members

  • Holly Heggadon (Chair)
  • Louise Chambers (Joint Vice Chair)
  • Kate Richardson (Joint Vice Chair)
  • Sam West (Treasurer)
  • Andrea Doran (Secretary)
6th Form Open Evening
Discover why we stand out as one of the highest-performing co-ed day and boarding schools in the South-West.
28th January 6:30pm
6th Form Open Evening
Discover why we stand out as one of the highest-performing co-ed day and boarding schools in the South-West.
28th January 6:30pm