Join our International Community

We are currently accepting registrations for international students to join our friendly and welcoming boarding community.

Applying to Study With Us

It’s a significant decision to choose a school, and we’re genuinely delighted that you’re considering West Buckland School.  We have a wealth of experience in welcoming and integrating students from many diverse nationalities into our community and we warmly invite you to request a call, to discuss your needs.

Email [email protected] and request an online Teams call today.

Why West Buckland School 

International students will need to have reasonable competence in spoken and written English, with the ability to progress given the support of our English as an Additional Language (EAL) department.  Assessment of English language will be carried out through the personal statement, an online interview and a set test.

EAL Department


Overseas students applying to study at West Buckland will need:

  • Copies of their last two school reports.
  • Personal Statement: a handwritten report of one to two sides of A4 written in English.
  • Colour copy of parents and student passport, together with certified translation of birth certificate

Students will be interviewed online by the Head of Middle School or the Head of Sixth Form. Some students may also meet the Head of EAL to assess their level of English.

Some students may also be asked to take assessments in English and maths. Students wishing to study French or Spanish will also take an assessment in these subjects.

Student Visa Process

Registration Form


What you will Need

For entry at Years 7-11, the school assesses students on their academic abilities and potential to achieve five or more GCSE passes at Grade 5 when they complete Year 11.

For A-level / IBCP entry into Years 12-13, we would expect a student to have five iGCSE passes at grade 5. They will also be asked to meet with the Head of Middle School, Head of Sixth Form and other staff as applicable.  For those not studying iGCSEs, students will be assessed on the basis of their school reports, current attainment and potential.

We have a 3-step admissions process.

  • Submit a registration form, together with personal statement, school reports and ID documents, with the registration fee
  • Take any assessment tests and have an online interview
  • If successful, an offer will be sent via email.  Occasionally further tests / interview may be required

To request a registration form or if you wish to have a call to discuss your needs, please contact our Admissions team, who will be happy to help:

[email protected]



  • Sixth Form Prospectus
  • Senior Prospectus
  • GCSE
  • A-levels / IBCP

Boarding life

  • A day in the life of a boarder
  • Extra Curricular Activities
  • Pastoral Care
  • West Buckland School Overview


  • Registration Form
  • Map and Information
  • Airport Transfer Dates
  • International Guardian Information
6th Form Open Evening
Discover why we stand out as one of the highest-performing co-ed day and boarding schools in the South-West.
28th January 6:30pm
6th Form Open Evening
Discover why we stand out as one of the highest-performing co-ed day and boarding schools in the South-West.
28th January 6:30pm