At West Buckland we make it our business to give our students the best advice, access to information and network of contacts, so that they can make informed and confident decisions about their future.

Future Guidance

Taking the Right Path

Careers education is a crucial part of every student’s personal development and a vital way in increase engagement in, and understanding of, the curriculum.  It will guide subject and extra-curricular choices, as well as spark interest and encourage critical thinking.

Career guidance starts from Key Stage 2 and the benefits of being a through-school can be seen in this continual journey up through Key Stages 3 and 4.

Post-18 Options

Sixth Form students have timetabled fortnightly careers lessons.  These are focused on post-18 options, including detailed advice on university applications, apprenticeships, gap years and employment.  Year 12 students have personal guidance interviews with the Head of Careers and visit the UCAS Fair in Exeter in March.  There are opportunities to attend University Open Days and Morrisby continues to be used and students benefit from a well-resourced careers library.


Career-focused events

At West Buckland we run a busy programme of careers-based events which benefit students, staff, parents and the wider community:
• Careers Week in September, where all departments link their learning with Careers.
• Careers Fair for all Y6-13 students, attended by colleges, universities, local and national employers.
• Careers Lunches open to all, focusing on specific careers, delivered by alumni, parents and a wider network.
• Careers Newsletters shared with families and staff, capturing news and advertising upcoming events.

Using our rich alumni network

The Old West Buckland Association (OWBA) is key to maintaining links with alumni.  Students are invited to join the OWBA website and the LinkedIn pages before leaving West Buckland to enable professional networking.  This provides a rich source of ongoing support for all.   The OWBA provides invaluable advice, mentoring and support to our students as they navigate the paths to their chosen profession.