Choosing West Buckland for GCSEs

Year 10 is the time to gear up for your GCSEs. West Buckland provides the support, preparation and environment for your child to succeed at GCSE and beyond.

“I chose to move as I wanted to improve my learning and I wanted smaller class sizes. I would recommend it as it’s a better experience for learning.” – LB, joined in Year 11.

“I cannot put into words how happy I am that I moved” – IL, joined in Year 10.

“The school work was easy to adapt to and was a welcome change of pace.” – HC, joined in Year 10.

We're Here to Support You

Moving to West Buckland for GCSEs guarantees access to the support that students need in these important years.

West Buckland provides help with subject choices, time management, extra academic support and revision methods, alongside small class sizes and highly trained staff.  Housemasters have overall charge for all the students within their house, while tutors and teachers provide day-to-day support. In addition, the school’s two counsellors, medical team and boarding house parents are there to offer pastoral support to students of all ages.

GCSE Brochure

Personalised Learning Department

Our Personalised Learning Department, based in the newly opened ‘Hub,’ is available to all students.

Learning Support lessons for Years 10 and 11 focus on literacy and numeracy skills, but also give opportunities for students to have extra time to work on their GCSE studies and access support with revision and exam strategies.

We also offer 1:1 sessions for pupils who require a little extra support.

A supervised prep or homework club runs every evening for students.


Year 10s will have access to a plethora of sporting and academic extension clubs and activities.  As well as the traditional sports, students can access our superb fitness suite, the 25m swimming pool and shooting range. In addition, our CCF (combined cadet force) welcomes new recruits and our outdoor learning department offer everything from Duke of Edinburgh and Ten Tors to dance, kayaking and surfing.

Academic extension takes the form of chess clubs, debating societies, foreign film clubs, WEBS (West Buckland Ecology and Biodiversity Society) and lectures.

For more information on our extra-curricular opportunities, click here.

Full and Weekly Boarding

For some students, moving into the senior years is an ideal time to think about weekly or full boarding.  The extra time this allows for study is something that our boarders regularly highlight and our boarding staff create a really welcoming and comfortable home from home for those looking to join the boarding community.

Our 5-night boarding offer is very attractively priced and includes all meals.  For more information on weekly or full boarding, please talk to our Admissions team at [email protected] or visit the boarding page.

6th Form Open Evening
Discover why we stand out as one of the highest-performing co-ed day and boarding schools in the South-West.
28th January 6:30pm
6th Form Open Evening
Discover why we stand out as one of the highest-performing co-ed day and boarding schools in the South-West.
28th January 6:30pm